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  • FX-Spot

    A simplest conversion of two currencies (e.g. EUR/CZK) based on current FX-rate, without any impact...
  • FX Swap

    Derivative transaction, which represents quite simple “two-ways” FX- conversion between two currencies. Two ways means,...
  • LMA Senior Secured Syndicated contract

    As opposed to local credit contracts that are usually drafted by in-house Lawyers of each...
  • LMA (Loan Market Association)

    Since the establishment of the LMA in London (in 1996), total membership in the Association...
  • Product description

    An assets-based financing representing alternative for usual loan financing, whereas Leasing companies are better positioned...
  • Capital adequacy

    the level of Capital to cover the lending, derivatives and other banking activities (and income...
  • Remedy period

    period given by the credit contract to avoid the potential Event of Default, after breach...
  • FX Revaluation

    Positive / Negative difference between purchase costs of assets and their fair market value depending...
  • Goodwill / Badwill

    Added value on Intangibles representing discrete reserves of the Company is often called as Goodwill....
  • Insurance of Receivables

    Locally, within the Czech market, there are couple of commercial Insurance companies focused on business...

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