There was probably not a single person, who has not got familiar with the news that Bitcoin market value just crossed USD 60,000 mark delivering the return over 100% for its investors, while total capitalisation exceeded USD 1 trillion. In fact, this rally just took couple of weeks during the first months of 2021, please […]
Staff Discussion Notes showcase the latest policy-related analysis and research being developed by individual IMF staff and are published to elicit comment and to further debate. These papers are generally brief and written in nontechnical language, and so are aimed at a broad audience interested in economic policy issues. The Year 2023 The Year 2022 […]
In this article you can find an overview of major financial crisis (so far), as we have experienced them in modern era of banking history. In some cases, they had very much in common, and their root-cause was either: (a) financial resp. accounting fraud (b) breach of internal guidlines and mismanagement (c) irrational behaviour of […]
A Tiering system (two tier system officially) for liquidity excess was introduced in Sept 2019 by ECB to provide the banks with certain relief in the Euro-zone area of negative rates (for a full press release by ECB, click here), which has negative implications on Banks profitability. Especially during the last five years, the european […]
Considering the (Government Bonds, Mortgage loans) Yields or interests, the global investors encompassing the Banks, Assets Managers, Pension Funds, Insurance conglomerates etc., they all arguably need to assess following aspects, when trying to target higher returns from their investment: Spreads between the Bonds issued by different Issuers and Countries (like US T-Bills, German Bunds or […]
Following the financial crisis in US (2008), the Federal Reserve Bank (FED) opted to save the faltering financial sector with guaranteed liquidity, so that it basically intervened on opened market via reducing refinancing market rates, based on which FED is providing the Banks with short-term funds. This programme was conducted by Mr. Bernanke, beeing a […]
This document is a regular publication prepared by Monetary`s section analytical team of Czech National Bank and aims to pool information about the latest predictions and outlooks of international institutions, selected central banks and Consensus Economics for the main economic areas of the world – the euro area, Germany, the USA, the United Kingdom, Japan, […]
Trump to trade, from Draghi to the dollar, ING’s global economists and strategists tell you what’s happening – and is likely to happen – in the world of global markets. Years of experience lead to informed, authentic and accurate opinions on multiple topics and you are now able to understand just what ING thinks about […]
This section will try to bring you the most up-to-date information similarly as in the Lending business category, while the focus will be more on latest development in global economic environment with main focus on FX- and Interest rates, Government Bonds Yields and so on. Naturally, we will try to gather the information from different […]
Reverse repurchase agreements (reverse repos) are transactions in which an institution lends cash in exchange for financial assets sold by the owner of the financial assets at a given price under a commitment by the owner of the financial assets to repurchase the same (or identical) assets at a fixed price on a specified future […]